While fireworks displays are a beautiful sight for humans, they can cause stress and anxiety in our canine friends. Dogs may become afraid due to the loud noises and bright lights, which could endanger their safety. However, you can make sure your dog is safe and secure during fireworks displays by taking some thoughtful planning and safety measures. In this blog, we’ll look at seven practical ways to keep your pet secure when the sky is lit up with fireworks.

1. Establish a Safe Haven in Your Home:

   – Create a quiet, cosy area in your home where your dog can retreat before the fireworks start. The bedding and toys in this room may be comfortable and familiar. To reduce the noise and block out the light flashes, make sure the windows and curtains are closed.

2. Desensitise your dog to the sounds of fireworks:

   – Expose your dog to recorded firework sounds at a low volume over the weeks preceding fireworks displays. Reward them for maintaining their composure by gradually raising the volume over time. This may facilitate your dog’s acclimatisation to the noise.

3. Make use of calming products

Take into account using calming canine-specific products, such as anxiety wraps or vests. These apply gentle, continuous pressure, which can calm anxious dogs. In your dog’s safe haven, you can also use pheromone diffusers or calming sprays.

4. Remain Indoors While Walking Your Dog:

Keep your dog indoors on nights with fireworks. To exhaust them earlier in the day, take them for a walk or some playtime. To keep their minds active, give them plenty of entertainment, such as puzzle toys or toys that disperse treats.

5. Identification by Microchip and Update:

Check that your dog is properly identified. It’s essential to have a microchip with current contact information if your dog ever gets scared and flees. A tag with your current contact information should also be on their collar, just to be safe.

6. Stay away from fireworks displays.

If at all possible, stay away from fireworks shows with your dog. It might be too loud and crowded. Instead, choose a quiet evening at home or look into dog-friendly activities that aren’t associated with fireworks in your neighbourhood.

7. Seek advice from a veterinarian.

Speak with your veterinarian if your dog exhibits a significant amount of anxiety during fireworks. They can offer advice regarding drugs or nutritional supplements that might keep your dog calm. Always closely heed the advice of your veterinarian.


Dogs can find the holiday season of fireworks stressful, but by taking these seven precautions, you can reduce their anxiety and guarantee their wellbeing. Remember that every dog is different, so adjust these tactics to your furry friend’s particular requirements. You can ensure your dog’s safety throughout the celebrations by giving them extra attention and comfort as the fireworks season approaches.